Challenge Winners - 2nd Place 170 points (current score) Uploaded: Jun 11, 2016  
Viewed 2653 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
When I do these letters of the month challenges I try to put together a scene instead of just putting the elements anywhere on my page.
Here we have JUNE on the beach.
The Unicorn frolics in the surf.
The Narwhale comes up for air.
Jaguars relax on a Jaffa Orange coloured Jaguar car.
An Elephant under an Ultramarine Umbrella has fun on a Jade green Unicycle.
A Juvenile Elephant hugs a Nike ball.
A Numbat (stripped anteater) joins in the fun.
An Eagle watches from the sky.
Design credits:
The background is a mix of colours
Ecru, Navajo white, very light jade green, with a light ultramarine blue.
Everything from the net.
Comments for the scrapbook:
simsage says:
Impressive!!!!Super collection to create the JUNE challenge!!!!!!
Jun 11, 2016

Comments for this page: (view all 18 comments)
Banda says:
Congratulation on your placing
Jun 19, 2016
Lantanna Calyipso says:
Fantastic idea , the animals do give the image they are in a natural setting which you have managed to capture !
Jun 16, 2016
scrapping lee says:
beautifully scrapped page for the challenge - I like your scene rather than just random elements on a page xxx
Jun 14, 2016
valrushton says:
Fabulous page for my challenge, sorry I missed it when you first posted! Thanks so much for entering!
Jun 13, 2016
zanthia says:

Jun 12, 2016
Jacqueline7of7 says:
lovely page
Jun 12, 2016
gingersnaps says:
Very creative and pretty page!
Jun 12, 2016
Lori47 says:
WONDERFULLY captivating scene while providing all the necessary images on a wonderful beach for the letters of June! Fabulous layout!
Jun 11, 2016
MaxiDesigns says:
Super Page, Joce!!!
Jun 11, 2016
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