Joined: Sep 2, 2011
Last Logon: Aug 18, 2021
Lori47's Home Page
I came across SBF in late 2006 (previously registered as odinaz -- still seen here on SBF). All of my old uploads still there. I became a 47-yr-old widow when my beloved husband David passed away unexpectedly on June 11, 2012. I'm on auto-pilot but pop in here as often as possible (as well as create) for a pick-me-up by seeing all my SBF friends and family and all your wonderful, talented, unique pages.
I have no children so I consider my beautiful Golden Retriever nothing but my own child & love to create pages with her in them. She passed away unexpectedly on April 27, 2018 leaving me devastated. I now have a German Shepherd named Lola!
Digi-Scrapping is the greatest hobby since underwater basket weaving 3000-5000 B.C.!!! LOL
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