Q. Is ScrapbookFlair free?
YES! Scrapbook Flair provides free digital scrapbook software, free downloadable scrapbook elements and a free community site for public or private sharing of scrapbooks.

Each Member also receives 10 MB of space (250 scrapbook pages) and access to our continually growing library of new scrapbook elements including Embellishments, Backgrounds, and Design Templates. Scrapbook Flair also offers Membership Upgrade options. Click on the Membership link in the lower menu for more information.
Q. Currently I do not use ScrapbookFlair software to make my pages (I use another software program). Will I be able to post my pages on your site?
Of course! You may use any program you wish to create your pages. To upload them on our site, click Upload button on your Home Page.
Q. I'm a beginner. Where do I find tips on digital scrapping?
Check out our Forums and Groups in the Scrapbook Flair community site (Upper Menu). There are lots of good pointers on everything from composition, to using embellishments, to taking better photos not to mention your fellow scrappers who are generously willing to help you.
Q. How can I choose a Screen Name that hasn't already been taken by another Member?
On the Upper Menu, click Members. Then enter the name you want in the box next to Search Members and then click the Search button. You'll see if the Member Name you want is available and all the variations that are already taken.
Q. How do I change my Screen Name, Profile, email address or other personal Information?
Go to your Home Page (once you are signed in, click My Home in the Upper Menu) and click Change My Settings.
Q. I noticed that people have unique colors and different backgrounds on their Home Page and personal Gallery pages.  How do you do this?
Go to your Home Page page, click on "Change My Settings". Chose "Change My Home Colors and Background". You will have many color choices that you can try. You can make the background a solid color or keep the shaded background pattern.

You can also use your own background or photo. To use an image as a background, you have two choices. You first click "use background image", and you can browse and upload your own image, or you can browse our selection of backgrounds. Remember dark colors and complex images might make it difficult to read any text on your page. You can make changes as often as you wish. However, if you choose your own image, make sure the file is under 5 MB in size.

If you wish to change the look back to the original ScrapbookFlair colors, simply chose "restore default color". On this page you can also change some of the accent colors used. Keep in mind, every time you make a change, you have to hit the "save" button at the bottom of the page.

Q. I just made my first scrapbook page with ScrapbookFlair software, how do I put this scrapbook into the Galleries?
The simplest way is to open the scrapbook you want to post with the ScrapbookFlair software. On the top, right of the screen you should see a "Share" icon (a group of people on a circle holding hands). Simply click on this Icon and it will walk you through the steps to upload your scrapbook.
Q. How do the public and private Galleries work? Sometimes I see my scrapbook appear in public Galleries I didn't post it in - how does that happen? How do I change the Galleries where it's posted?
Since there are so many Galleries to chose from, many people aren't sure where to post their pages. The ScrapbookFlair team members from time to time will reclassify scrapbooks into the appropriate public Galleries. We are adding new Galleries based on your suggestions, so you will see our Galleries grow in subject and in content. Ultimately however, it's your scrapbook and you can post it or remove it from any Gallery you want (including keeping it in a private Gallery for yourself and your friends). To change public Galleries, go into the Scrapbook Detail page (by clicking on the scrapbook itself) and click the button at right entitled Post to Gallery - you will see a list of every Gallery with a series of check boxes; just check (or uncheck) which Gallery where you want it to appear and then click Post to Gallery - it should repost automatically. If you would like to make the scrapbook private, simply click on 'change privacy' which is to the right of the scrapbook in the Scrapbook detail page.
Q. How do I send or email a scrapbook to a friend or another Member?
Click on the scrapbook you want to email. Under the scrapbook on the left there's a link that says: email this scrapbook. Clicking on that link opens a window where you can send a message along with the scrapbook to someone's emailbox. If you want to send a scrapbook to a Member, you need to be a Member yourself. Once you're logged in, you can send it to another email (Click on the scrapbook and go to its Detail Page.) You then have the option to send it via email or directly to another member in the Scrapbook Flair community. If you send a scrapbook to another Member, it will show up in the Member's Message Center.
Q. How do I upload a multi-page scrapbook? What if I've already uploaded a single page?
The easiest way upload a multi-page scrapbook is to use the ScrapbookFlair software and upload all the pages simultaneously using the Share function in the top menu. Simply open a new project in Scrapbook Flair and use the ‘import template’ function to import each page into Scrapbook Flair. . This will save time by allowing you to upload a multi-page scrapbook in one step. If you have already uploaded a single page and want to retain the comments and score for that page, upload using the same Scrapbook name it will replace that scrapbook and retain the other info.
Q. If I create a scrapbook using ScrapbookFlair software, is it OK to post the scrapbook on other websites?
Sure. Once you create a unique design using our content and your own content, it's fine for you to post it or print it or do whatever you want with that completed scrapbook.
Q. Is it OK to mention the names of other companies, designers or websites in the Scrapbook Flair community?
Absolutely. This is an OPEN web community - feel free to credit the designs and products used on your scrapbook pages. In fact, we are adding a special field below each scrapbook, specifically for giving credits to other designers, websites, etc.
Q. I have uploaded 2 scrapbooks with the same name. When you click on either of them, the same one appears - why is that?
Scrapbook Names are their unique identifiers. When you give more than one of your scrapbooks the same name, the website thinks it's the same scrapbook. You can avoid this by giving each of your scrapbooks a different name, such as: "Julianne A" and "Julianne B" Note: different Members can use the same scrapbook name with no problem.
Q. How can I share different versions of the same scrapbook (for example, with different photos to send to different people)?
You can upload multiple versions of the same scrapbook, using multiple names. This is handy for customizing event scrapbooks where you may want to share a scrapbook with one set of photos and another version with another set of photos. This can be done by saving multiple versions of the same scrapbook with different names, and sharing them in private galleries that you create.
Q. How does Scrapbook of the Week work? How does the voting/points work? Where do I find scrapbooks with the top scores?
Once a Member has signed in, they can vote for scrapbooks by clicking on a scrapbook thumbnail and going to the scrapbook's Detail Page. At the bottom of the Scrapbook will be your voting range of 1 - 10 (10 being best). Your vote will be counted on a cumulative basis with other Members. You can only vote once for each scrapbook (once you vote for a scrapbook, the voting range goes away - so if you don't see a voting range, either you've already voted for it or you are not signed in). Latest scores appear on a real-time basis on the scrapbook Detail Page and in the scrapbook thumbnail captions.

Scrapbook of the Week and Misstatement of the Week are based on the highest score each week, starting and ending with Sunday midnight. The winning scrapbook will be featured on our Home Page each week under the corresponding heading (Scrapbook of the Week or Misstatement of the Week). You can see the current weekly leaders in each category just below this scrapbook by clicking View More & Vote.

In our Galleries section, you can see our Halls of Fame and our historical TOP 20 lists and Editor's Choice. For every scrapbook, we recalculate its score on a real-time basis. In the Top 20 galleries, the scrapbooks with the Highest Rank (highest score) and Most Views (highest number of views), are resequenced at least once an hour based on the latest votes.
Q. How do you choose Featured Members?
There are 10 Featured Members at any one time and you are featured in 2 places on the site: your full profile appears in rotation on the Member's Page and your icon rotates on the Home Page (both link back to your Home Page). Featured Members are selected in 2 ways: (1) automatically for Scrapbook of the Week and Week's Funniest Scrapbook, and (2) by the site Editor for Editor's Choice. When you win Scrapbook of the Week or Week's Funniest Scrapbook, you become a Featured Member for 3 weeks. These automatic choices are made and refreshed every Sunday night at Midnight, U.S. East Coast time when the winners for Scrapbook of the Week and Week's Funniest Scrapbook are determined. Editor's Choice are typically featured for 1 week or until the Editor selects another Editor's Choice page.

To be selected as a Featured Member you must also meet 2 criteria: (1) you must have at least 3 public scrapbooks posted, (2) we prefer you have a photo of yourself (best) or original graphic for your screen icon.
Q. What is the purpose of Groups?
Groups are a great way for you to find members of ScrapbookFlair who have similar interests and passions. By joining a group, you will receive automatic notification in your personal message center whenever new comments are posted from a group member.
Q. How do I quit a Group I joined on ScrapbookFlair?
Visit the group profile and click "Quit this Group?" You will be asked for confirmation to quit from the group.
Q. How and Why would I delete a comment about my Scrapbook?
The ScrapbookFlair community allows you to remove comments about your public scrapbooks that are made by others. Some people feel funny about removing comments, but there are times it's really appropriate. For example, when someone has accidentally makes a comment twice, or they took a 2nd look at your scrapbook after commenting, and wanted to say something different. Unfortunately, there's currently no way to edit a comment once you've made it - so it's up to the Scrapbook owner to remove it (scrapbook owners can only remove comments, not edit them).
Q. How are Fans and Friends different?
The Fan option is unique to ScrapbookFlair and it allows you to receive a notice on your message center page every time someone you're a fan of posts a new scrapbook in any public gallery. This is a great way to keep track of a member whose scrapbooks you do not want to miss. Any member can become a fan of another member simply by clicking "become a fan" located on our "members" page, and on a members home page.

Becoming a Friend is very similar to becoming a Friend on most other community sites. To reach this status with another member you must request it and be approved by the other member. They can agree or disagree depending upon their wishes. In addition to the scrapbooks placed in public galleries, friends get to see scrapbooks placed in private galleries that are viewable by Friends.
Q. How do I post a Challenge for the Scrapbook Flair Community?
See the Challenge Forum and the Editor's Desk Forum. The complete instructions and rules for posting and participating in Challenges is posted in these forums.
Q. I enjoy my experiences on this community, how can I help ScrapbookFlair.com?
It is our desire to create the ultimate scrapbooking community on the web. To do so, we need your insights and support. If you have ideas on how to make our community site or software better, send us an email and let us know (in our suggestion box).

You can also help by sharing your scrapbooks and our site with all your friends and family.
Q. How do I report abuse to ScrapbookFlair?
If you're having an issue with any type of abuse (cyber-bullying, identity theft, underage users, spam, inappropriate content, etc), please let us know. You can report the issue by clicking "Contact Us", please click on the correct subject matter in the drop down menu, and give us as much information and detail as possible regarding the abuse you wish to report.
Q. What if I have a question or suggestion that I want Scrapbook Flair management to review and consider?
Issues relating to the site can be sent to Support (Support@ScrapbookFlair.com). If they are more policy issues or ideas (like changes to voting, membership, etc.,) you are welcome to write directly to the Editor: Editor@ScrapbookFlair.com
Q. I have sent a message to support. But I have not received a response.
Please verify that you have added support@scrapbookflair.com to your safe list so that our return message is not blocked as spam. You should receive an automated response that we have received your message. If you do not receive the automated message within 48 hours, our message to you has been blocked as spam or your may have entered your email address incorrectly. Please resend your message. You should receive a response within 10 business days. We try to respond more quickly to more urgent messages.
Q. What are the system requirements for running the ScrapbookFlair software?
Your PC compatible computer will need to have either Windows XP, NT, 2000, ME, 98 SE, Windows 7 or Vista to function properly.
Q. Does Scrapbook Flair Software work with Vista?
Scrapbook Flair software has been tested to run on Vista Home Premium. If you have difficulty installing the .NET Frame work 1.1, you may download it from the following URL and install it before installing Scrapbook Flair: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=262D25E3-F589-4842- 8157-034D1E7CF3A3&displaylang=en You will also need to download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=A8F5654F-088E-40B2-BBDB-A83353618B38&displaylang=en
Q. Posting a scrapbook to ScrapbookFlair can take a long time. Is this normal?
It is not uncommon for some scrapbooks and some people to experience a lengthy upload process. This is dependent upon the scrapbooks size (file size), as well as browser speed and the speed of your Internet connection. We know a number of people who have dial-up (not high speed) who go to coffee shops with free high speed connections to upload their scrap books and to get a latte.
Q. When I go to download the free ScrapbookFlair software, it wants to install Microsoft.Net. Why do I need that?
Our software needs this Microsoft framework to run properly, and if your system does not have it our software will detect this and automatically request that you add it. Microsoft.net is a framework that was developed in 2002 to support many new features and now comes standard in all current Microsoft software packages. So, if you have a newer computer you probably already have it.
Q. Is a MAC version of the software available?
We do not currently have a Mac version available. Mac users can access the ScrapbookFlair.com community site. It is our plan to help Mac users in creating scrapbooks in a next generation version of the ScrapbookFlair web site, but in the interim, they can upload scrapbooks created in other programs in the following file formats: JPG, PNG, TIF and BMP.
Q. When I upload to the ScrapbookFlair Community, my scrapbook looks fuzzy or like it's in low resolution - but it's crystal clear on my computer screen. How do I fix that?
If your scrapbook is appearing fuzzy or in low res, you have probably uploaded the wrong image. The way to upload high resolution scrapbook image(s) is to use the Share function (top menu in ScrapbookFlair software) or export the project to JPG file by using ScrapbookFlair Export function and upload manually from your Home Page on the community site. If your scrapbook appears fuzzy or like it's in low res, the image you uploaded is a probably a thumbnail of the project which is used in ScrapbookFlair for fast preview.
Q. I have noticed that some of my scrapbooks have blank white pages in them, how do I remove them?
These pages show up when a scrapbook with blank pages is posted. To remove them you must first delete the blank pages in your scrapbook. Then you repost it under the same name; it will overwrite your previous scrapbook.
Q. When I upload a new scrapbook, it can be unpredictable as to when it will actually get posted. Why is that?
All material that gets posted to our community site needs to be reviewed by real people so that inappropriate content will not get mistakenly posted. Depending upon the time of day (or night), and the volume of material being submitted, it can on occasion take some time to get approved. Be assured that we love looking at all these great scrapbook pages and will be reviewing them diligently to get them posted ASAP.
Q. When I use Text or a Title in Scrapbook Flair software, it sometimes doesn't print or post the same way it appeared on my screen. Why does that happen?
This is a quirk in the software. Depending on your screen resolution, the images and text may not always appear in the same place. It is easily solved by doing a Print Preview either before printing or before posting your scrapbook. The Print Preview shows exactly what your scrapbook looks like.
Q. Some scrapbook pages with text are hard to read, what size font is the smallest that can be used?
Fonts must be sized at 14 point or larger to be read on most monitors.
Q. Every once and a while, I experience a glitch or bug on ScrapbookFlair.com or with the ScrapbookFlair software. How do I let you know about it?
Our website and software are continually being improved, and because of this sometimes things just do not work right. It is very important to us that you report any bugs, glitches, or things you would like to see improved. To do this, go to the forum sections titled "Bug Report" or "Suggestion Box", and leave a comment in the appropriate location. We check them very regularly, and make the necessary corrections as quickly as possible.
Q. What image formats are compatible with Scrapbook Flair Software?
Scrapbook Flair Software will work with 40 different image formats. For a complete list, go to http://www.scrapbookflair.com/imageformat.aspx.
Q. Since you’re providing content (Backgrounds, Embellishments & Templates) for free, is it OK if I repost that content on other sites?
Unfortunately, no. Just because ScrapbookFlair has the right to give its content away free, doesn’t mean it’s OK for you to give it away free – sorry. The reason is, we provide free content to have new Members register (for free) on ScrapbookFlair and to ensure the Designer is recognized in the process. It is OK for you to post links to our download page or the page of a specific designer on ScrapbookFlair, and for others to Register and download the designs direct from us. We encourage this and thank you in advance for that. Examples of acceptable postings are:

Wonderful free embellishments are available at www.ScrapbookFlair.com/download.aspx

- or -

Terrific Spring/Garden templates, embellishments and backgrounds are available for free download at: http://www.scrapbookflair.com/designers.aspx
Q. I see a lot written about free vs. paid scrapbook elements and designs; if you give your designs away free, how will the designer ever get paid for their efforts?
Similar to other websites, on ScrapbookFlair there are things that are free and other things that are sold. As a new community, we feel it’s important to provide lots of free stuff to attract new members and we plan to provide plenty of free content on a continuing basis. We do this by paying the designer up front for the right to give away their content. For any Designer Collections you see on our site, the Designer was paid with the understanding that their original designs will be provided free to our Members. This serves the quadruple benefit of: (1) getting the designer compensated, (2) allowing designers to get free publicity and recognition for their designs and generate more business for them, (3) providing our Members with lots of free content, (4) bringing new Members into the ScrapbookFlair community. In the future, we will enable designers to sell their designs directly from our site, so if you like a specific designer and want to buy more of their designs, you’ll be able to do that easily through ScrapbookFlair.
Q. On this FAQ list I do not see the question that I have. What should I do?
First, I would ask that you check out the "Site Rules". We discuss many things there, including a lot of the "legal-eeze" type of information. If that does not help, please check the "Forums", it is possible that others have had the same questions, and are already discussing them or similar issues there.

If you still do not find what you are looking for, send us a note at "Contact Us". If enough people have the same question, and ask it frequently, it can become a frequently Asked Question, and we will post an answer here.
 © 2006-2025, Patent Pending, Aurora Digital Imaging, Ltd. Beta 5.0
The most fun digital scrapbooking site on the Internet. Free digital scrapbooking software, scrapbook templates,
scrapbook embellishments and backgrounds. Beautiful scrapbook prints and photobooks.