100 points (current score) Uploaded: Dec 11, 2019  
Viewed 1003 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Photo of my daughter. She is now 30 weeks pregnant and we are so relieved as we had a real scare when this little baby threatened to arrive 5 weeks ago. Caitlyn was hospitalised for 2 days and given medication to delay the onset of labour. She has been on bed rest ever since. The doctor does not think she will carry to term but we were praying that she makes 30 weeks to give the baby a better chance. Now we are praying that she gets to 32 weeks. Thank you for viewing my page xxx
Design credits:
Kit by Lynne Anzelc
Comments for the scrapbook:
simsage says:
Oh Lee, may all the prayers be answered, she will be born for Christmas, Beautiful page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 11, 2019
Scrapaholic247 says:
WOW, beautiful page of her Lee! Praying she makes it a bit longer also. ♥
Dec 11, 2019

Comments for this page: (view all 8 comments)
valrushton says:
Wonderful page. Hope all goes well!
Dec 12, 2019
Banda says:
We're all thinking of Caitlyn Lee, a beautiful page
Dec 11, 2019
Lori47 says:
This is a beautiful photo of Caitlyn and a delightfully artistic page that is so insightful as far as what is going on. I am hoping and praying that everything goes smoothly from here on out with no more problems. ~Light and Love~ coming your way for all! Lovely page Lee!
Dec 11, 2019
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
Wonderful page
Dec 11, 2019
2017Westie says:
You take care Lee and your family. Hugs,1WEstiexx
Dec 11, 2019
Xguern66 says:
A nervous time for all. So glad she got to 30. Look after her Lee. A super special page for you both.
Dec 11, 2019
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