Editor's Choice 60 points (current score) Uploaded: Jan 1, 2019  
Viewed 2008 times.  
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.

Comments for this page: (view all 5 comments)
scrapfiend says:
Lovely memory page!
Jan 5, 2019
PoetryNMotion says:
wonderful memory page
Jan 3, 2019
ScrapDaddy says:
Playful & uplifting memory page for Rebel.
Jan 1, 2019
Banda says:
Rebel looks gorgeous, you've done a beautiful page
Jan 1, 2019
Lori47 says:
I am SO glad that you are a dog lover too and these are fantastic photos even though this is a page in remembrance of Rebel. Dogs are most definitely man's best friend and will do anything for you. Great photos, great page!
Jan 1, 2019
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