Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 80 points (current score) Uploaded: Oct 1, 2017  
Viewed 2076 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Done for Alphabet Challenge G.
The birds in the main pic are commonly known as Galahs, this photo was taken in our backyard where we get a LOT of them coming in to feed and to nest in Spring.
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Design credits:
Background - Be Creative by Aneczkaw
Mask -mine
overlay of small circles - Endless Life, Lavender Des.
Wire - DCD Steamworks
Other images - Bing
Font- Rosewood PSE9
Comments for the scrapbook:
Xguern66 says:
What colourful birds - we have seen these on our visits. Super page Beryl and thank you for getting my challenge up and running.
Oct 2, 2017
Scrapaholic247 says:
WOW, fabulous page Beryl!! ♥
Oct 2, 2017

Comments for this page: (view all 8 comments)
Lori47 says:
You live in a wondrous country and one that I have always wanted to visit or live. I have never heard of Galahs that I have now and they are beautiful! This is a beautiful, creative and dynamic scene for the challenge and I wish you the best of luck! I love ghosts so this one is nicely overlooking your scene! :-)
Oct 2, 2017
Lavender Passion says:
568Beautiful unique elements for Letter G challenge page! Love it!
Oct 2, 2017
Grandma M says:
super photo -wish I had these in my garden - super challenge page xx
Oct 2, 2017
valrushton says:
Gorgeous challenge page!
Oct 2, 2017
scrapping lee says:
Thsy are beautiful little birds - so nice to have them visiting your garden. Great challenge entry xxx
Oct 2, 2017
Mimi_ says:
,ø¤º Super page for the Challenge, Beryl º¤ø,¸ Your photo of the birds is terrific - never heard of Galahs - they are beautiful - don't have them here.
Oct 2, 2017
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