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  40 points (current score) Uploaded: Jun 14, 2016  
Viewed 539 times.  
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
Comments for the scrapbook:
tammielarrysgirl says:
Thank you all for your beautiful comments

Jun 19, 2016
scrapping lee says:
I am so sorry for your loss. He seemed like a wonderful partner and friend. May your memories of good times spent together be with you always. xxx
Jun 14, 2016

Comments for this page: (view all 8 comments)
Lori47 says:
I am reading each and every page and all of your words wonderfully express your feelings and your loss! Because of the loss of my husband and then my brother-in-law this past February... I am often saying that only the good die young. Both of my parents were only 54 lead guides for different reasons/diseases. Always remember that you shared the most wonderful times with your best friend. xoxoxo
Jun 14, 2016
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