Scrapbook of the Week 86 points (current score) Uploaded: Mar 6, 2006  
Viewed 6054 times.  

Comments for this page: (view all 4 comments)
Lori47 says:
Beautiful and wonderfully creative page for your family tree or ancestry with photos!!! Before my husband's unexpected passing he had spent 40 years with his passion for genealogy. He was a perfectionist so I have 55,000 names in our database along with the sources, photos and all the info going back many many many years. His motto was always "The only thing worse than no data is bad data."
Jun 20, 2020
Claudia says:
Nov 21, 2006
sandra marie says:
Great Family well done
Oct 25, 2006
Charlie Brown says:
Lots of great old photos...This is good use for them.
Mar 6, 2006
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