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275 points (current score) Uploaded: Oct 30, 2009  
Viewed 357 times.  
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
Comments for the scrapbook:
shirl's_scrappin says:
beautiful poem
Nov 7, 2009
Ferro says:
I can feel the storm. Great poem, Sylvia!!!
Nov 2, 2009
belle15 says:
Wonderful LO for a beautiful poem.
Oct 30, 2009

Comments for this page: (view all 27 comments)
Granny Franny says:
I live in Alberta Canada and we get these kind of storms that you describe in your poem...they are quite amazing to witness...my husband jumps at the opportunity to pull out his camera whenever one of these storms hit us! Super scrap!
Nov 17, 2009
Mat's Scrapbook says:
Wow, this is so lovely, you have the knack and the layout is awesome too.
Oct 30, 2009
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