Challenge Winner - 1st Place 210 points (current score) Uploaded: Feb 15, 2023  
Viewed 658 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Purplepallas is a angelic with fun attitude alien that was thrown out of his planet just to land on earth to help people generate magically great vibes to be able to live a little happier. Right now, he's just sitting there collecting his thoughts to why this has happened! LOL
Created this funny one (purplelicious delight) just for the challenge. Thanks in advance 4 looking, commenting, favoring.
Design credits:
Created all by me!

Creating for the love of "Challenges 2023"
Comments for the scrapbook:
Geek says:
Great one! Funny too! lmao
You won, well, congrats girl! This alien makes me laugh.
You did a great job!
Cya Maria
Ciao bella xox

Feb 28, 2023
MaryWonder says:
Haha I always love the little stories behind your designs Maria. Purplepallas is totally delightful LOL and this is a superb use of the shades of purple. Love it and thank you for creating this for the challenge.
Feb 15, 2023

Comments for this page: (view all 3 comments)
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
Fabulous page
Feb 15, 2023
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