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My Choices
(see rules below)
Current Showing
  Week Of   My Fave Presenter Comments Favorites Status
75 114 Now Showing
73 172 Next Week
65 55
19 581
My Choices In our continuing effort to enhance the ScrapbookFlair community, we have a new innovation in My Faves this year called My Choices. For members listed above, when your turn comes during the year to become My Faves presenter, you will have 2 options: showcase your Favorites (as in past years – updated with the Favorites you’ve added in the last year) - OR – showcase My Choices, which is a new set of scrapbooks you can select from anywhere on ScrapbookFlair... using a theme of… your choice! My Choice scrapbooks are selected on each scrapbook’s Detail Page (enlargement), just below the Favorites button. This gives our members 2 options of what to display – and you can customize any assortment you like, such as:
        • My Family
        • My Friends
        • My Kids
        • My Hobby
        • My Dog
        • Colorful!
        • Inspiration
        • LOL
        • My Designs
The last theme should be appealing to scrap designers and CT members, who want to showcase a specific designer. In addition to changing the collection, you can also change the name “My Faves” to any title with up to 10 characters. Full instructions for how to do this may be found on your Home Page on the right hand column under My Choices. We hope you enjoy this new feature – please let us know what you think!
My Favorites (My Faves) are displayed from each winning Member's My Favorites Gallery based on their current Favorites during the week their pages are Showing (see above). Confirmations are made 1 week in advance and are based on the number of comments made by each SF Member during the preceding 52 weeks, based on above (updated periodically) and chosen Sunday night. So once you win for the upcoming week, you have 7 days to get your Favorites Gallery ready! Each of your Favorites pages is featured on the SF Home Page and rotate in date sequence. Each Member can win the My Favorites once a year (eligible again after 52 weeks) Here's your chance to show the full community all the SF pages that you LOVE!!
Scrappers Forever We're trying something new this year on the ScrapbookFlair Home Page. Where we currently have My Faves, once a month we have a special new section called Scrappers Forever. This section will showcase the work of ScrapbookFlair members who have passed on. Sadly we have lost many wonderful members over the years, but their life and images live on in their scrapbooks and we'd like to honor them for their contributions. On that note, while we know about some of our members who have passed away like Lavender Passion, Pelle, ChrisG, and Claudia… we know the list is much longer. If you know a member who has died, could you please let us know? Send a note to Lori at the Editor's Desk Forum. Thank you all!
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