Challenge Winners - 2nd Place 70 points (current score) Uploaded: Nov 20, 2022  
Viewed 593 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
My Sister, Lois with Her daughter, son-in-law and her grandchildren at the Mardi-Grass parade and fair
Design credits:
SF- Mardigrass 2016 BG. 08 and kit and wordart
Comments for the scrapbook:
Banda says:
Congratulations Margie!!
Nov 27, 2022
MaryWonder says:
Oh how exciting Margie and lovely to see personal family photos. I would love to go to the Mardi Gras. Love the bright colours which show off these photos perfectly. A beautifully scrapped page and thank you for creating this for the challenge.
Nov 21, 2022

Comments for this page: (view all 6 comments)
Ferro says:
I get the vibes of New Orleans. Stunning page Marg
Nov 25, 2022
Banda says:
Terrific photos, a great page Margie full of colour
Nov 21, 2022
valrushton says:
Fabulous challenge page and great photos!
Nov 21, 2022
Xguern66 says:
Wonderful photos Margie. How super that you have them for this challenge. Great page.
Nov 21, 2022
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