90 points (current score) Uploaded: Jan 27, 2017  
Viewed 2015 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Everyone in my family went crazy for these two lovely arrival males. They were born September 19, 2016. The mother dog gave birth to 8 pups and my cousin Shannon (my cousin) took these two home. Aren't they adorable.
This picture was taken when she was visiting back in October/September of last year. Now, they're a bit bigger and from what I hear trouble makers. Still waiting for new photos!
Comments for the scrapbook:
Carlos says:
Hola chica!How have you been?
Carlos here.
Besos xx
Mar 18, 2020
Geek says:
Hey beautiful! What's up? Still around?
Cool Brian xo
Jul 15, 2017
Geek says:
Oh la la I see a puppy pipi! LOL Cool photo! He could off closed his legs. ha ha Anyway a lovely puppy photo showing off his jewels very relaxed with his brother beside him! LOL A picture worth a thousand words maybe more. Scrapped nicely!
Ps I hear having dogs as pets can be more work & tiresome than having cats! Is this true? I have no pets so I don't know. I will never have pets, ever!
Jan 30, 2017
XenaPrincessWarrior says:
Hi Carolina long time no see! Glad to see you online again. Wow what a photo! Hehe LOL They're so cute. It's wonderful that she took them home. I hope she's enjoying every moment raising them. It must be hard work to train them and what not but these two are lucky to have a loving home where they are happy. Great scrapping page.
Take care and hope to see more pages from you! Hugs
Jan 29, 2017
BubbleliciousGirl says:
They're so cute! I wished I could have the opportunity to have a pet, but my life is so full right now. A photo beautifully scrapped. These two are lucky to have found a happy home where they will be taken care of.
Jan 27, 2017

Comments for this page: (view all 9 comments)
caroliciousgirl says:
Wonderful and warm fuzzes photo! You scrapped these two little guys wonderfully. Shannon must be an everyday full time mom now that she has them! lol It takes a lot to take care of pets especially when they're very young and untrained. Glad to know these pups are safe and sound in a loving home. Love, Carol x
Feb 20, 2017
DruzillaMarisol says:
So sweet the dogs. Lovely layout!
Feb 2, 2017
SillySallyKnows says:
Very beautiful photo. Adorable to bits!!!!
Certainly a bundle of joy! Take care girl.
Jan 29, 2017
Lori47 says:
I love dogs so very much and I am so glad that they are safe and sound. Such a loving photo and a fabulous page!!! With great word art!
Jan 27, 2017
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