188 points (current score) Uploaded: Dec 16, 2015  
Viewed 1317 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Big John (I wished he stopped smoking his big cigars) lol - Friends - Members
Design credits:
Photo provided by Big John- Montreal Motorcycles Riders

Quickpage : Found it on the net free to use! (I'm no scrapper) lol

Comments for this page: (view all 11 comments)
Sunflowers says:
Big guy big smoker! lol
Mar 13, 2017
Liona says:
Cool big man! lol I don't like when men smoke. That's the only thing about this photo. The layout page is wonderful.
Jun 28, 2016
NevadaGal says:
Very nicely framed!
Mar 11, 2016
LiuTai says:
Cool dude! lol
Mar 7, 2016
SleepingBeauty says:
Wonderful page and the guy well..no comment. lol I don't like people in general with cigars, cigarettes, in their mouth. Sorry.
He very well, could be a nice person but this photo not so hot. Wonderfully scrapped.
Jan 12, 2016
MaxiDesigns says:
Awesome photo!!!! Puffs a cigar...not!! LOL
Jan 2, 2016
Geek says:
Who is this? Never seen him before. Must be a newcomer rider. He looks tough and with that cigar in his mouth, I better run for my life. LOL
Cool page.
Dec 30, 2015
BubbleliciousGirl says:
Cool dude!
Dec 26, 2015
SillySallyKnows says:
Wonderful QP! Big John looks like a nice & tough guy! LOL
Dec 19, 2015
XenaPrincessWarrior says:
So this is Big John! You've mentioned him to me but I think I have never meet him before. Or did I? I don't remembered. Anyway cool rider dude. Smoking??? Yuck. LOL
In all very creative layout QP and awesome photo.
Ciao bella.
Dec 17, 2015
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