About this scrapbook page: |
It's a few weeks until five years since my son's death, so he's constantly on my mind. I did the page when I saw the Gone But Not Forgotten challenge. I don't care about points just a gentle reminder to myself and other to never take those we care about for granted.
Design credits: |
diamond-tears-1-by-floeckchen78 bkg is a portion of his shirt copied. words are mine font is Scriptina
Comments for this page: (view all 24 comments) |
jennifer18 says:
Great page! I like how you did the blending and the diamonds.
May 17, 2008
maggymay says:
beautiful page well done I am sorry for your loss people say it gets easier but the losses we have only deepen when we think now would'nt he or she laugh at me now or if I could turn back time take care and when you feel a slight breeze on your face you will know he is with you xx
May 14, 2008
Roniiv says:
This is a beautiful tribute...a hansome young man..sorry for your loss.
May 7, 2008
limeynana says:
so very sorry for the loss of your son.......this is a beautiful memory and tribute page .....
May 5, 2008
Sweetiekens says:
GREAT PAGE, what a handsome guy , great photo and beautiful tribute 10+ from me, sorry for the los of your son, HUGS from NEW JERSEY!
May 5, 2008
TracySW says:
A great Memory page.I hope you have lots of wonderful memories. He was a handsome guy too Your son was born the same year as my daughter.
May 5, 2008
NanaKaye says:
Handsome young man, and beautifully scrapped,he would be proud of you! Yes, every moment and every day is a precious gift, to enjoy the ones we hold dear.+10 God Bless!
May 4, 2008
A Byte Celtic says:
What a loving tribute to your son...beautiful and touching...
May 3, 2008
kittycate5 says:
What a wonderful memory page; so sorry for your pain...
May 3, 2008
chrisg says:
Beautiful tribute.You will be in my prayers.
May 3, 2008