Joined: Feb 18, 2008
Last Logon: Dec 4, 2013
NanaKaye's Home Page
I am a 62 year old Grandmother, (hence, Nana) with 2 precious children who have given me 7 adorable grandchildren,( lots of photo ops!) that has always loved art and have tried to take that over into photos and scrapbooking. I started out doing real scrapbooking, until I discovered the computer and do most of my scrapbooking on the PC with ArcSoft and Coral Painter software. I have some scrapbook software, but prefer doing it the original, hard way. I love taking photos of children and making compositions with them and using special effects. I just discovered this wonderful scrapbooking site. I don't know just yet how I will use it or contribute to it, but I'm sure that it will inspire me to do even more creative things with photos.
NanaKaye is from
Paradise, TX, USA