170 points (current score) Uploaded: Jun 10, 2008  
Viewed 760 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I did this page for the Chakra challenge and the art challenge.

Each of the colors represents the colors of the Chakra. The design represents the idea that each Chakra is seperate in it's own way but they work together and are only beautiful when they are in harmony with eachother. The pink center is, of course, the heart. It is round because that chakra, for me, is the one closest to me. The fuzz around the outside represents our aura.
Design credits:
Origional creation in paint.net

Comments for this page: (view all 18 comments)
Artfulmimi says:
Very nice.
Jun 17, 2008
mommyj says:
Beautifully done page
Jun 16, 2008
bevy_boo says:
Great peice!
Jun 15, 2008
gypsykate says:
wow, so beautiful - i can see so much in this art you've made - the interplay and connectivity of colors, the flow of energies - i even see a pregnant woman's belly. fascinating abstract art!
Jun 13, 2008
chrisg says:
Jun 11, 2008
macdi says:
Beautifully done!!
Jun 11, 2008
kpoddream says:
so wonderful..
Jun 11, 2008
Ferro says:
10+10 smart and neat
Jun 11, 2008
amazonia71 says:
Stunning page,absolutely wonderful job!!!!+++10
Jun 11, 2008
Ineke62 says:
very artistic!
Jun 11, 2008
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