310 points (current score) Uploaded: May 17, 2009  
Viewed 772 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I fell in love with the colors of this beautiful painting. I hope you like what I have done with it,
Your comments and votes are much appreciated.
Design credits:
The image is by Isabel Moquiles from the web.
I blended it into The yellow BG from WaterLOProject's In Xmas Gold. Then I Used the image slightly smaller, with some light flare, and lessened opacity, Framed both images with NanaBananas Sol Frame.
I then placed it on the Copper BG from WaterLOProject In Xmas Gold.
Word art is Baby Stardust by word Art Fun.
Created with PSE6, ScrapbookPlus, and Scrapbook Flair.
My thanks to these talented generous designers.

Comments for this page: (view all 26 comments)
Eliza kitty says:
Excellent work great page!
Jun 21, 2009
gypsykate says:
plus 10cp!
May 29, 2009
Dove Mom says:
Fantastic Page!!!
May 28, 2009
MaxiDesigns says:
Very beautiful!!! 10+ 10
May 28, 2009
ejna says:
Beautiful 10/10
May 28, 2009
My Inspiration says:
so beautiful 10+10
May 28, 2009
MaryWonder says:
It's a lovely painting & you've set it off beautifully 10+10cp
May 27, 2009
Sweet Blue Eyes says:
Wonderful page!
May 27, 2009
gypsykate says:
beautiful layout and quote!
May 27, 2009
Ferro says:
May 27, 2009
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