20 points (current score) Uploaded: Nov 18, 2007  
Viewed 1077 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
This was my youngest son's first cross country running race, and the girl in the blue trailed him or pushed him to work hard throughout the race....unfortunately she passed him steps from the finish line but afterwards we overheard her asking who the boy was that she was trying to beat that whole race! The background is a photograph i took of a bicycle wheel and the ribbon is a cutout of a photograph i took of the actual award he got...the journaling is done in the school colors of red and gold..

Comments for this page: (view all 3 comments)
Erie Scrapper says:
Great page!
Dec 12, 2007
shawtyp says:
great action page
Nov 18, 2007
mysparetimedesign says:
This was my son's first race and as he came out of the brush he and this girl were neck and neck and just before the finish line she passed him....apparently the challenge had been going on all race for these two, but he was very sportsman like and was proud of his achievments just as well...
Nov 18, 2007
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