70 points (current score) Uploaded: May 30, 2008  
Viewed 1301 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
to the "wizard" of our family who tries to do his best to be the "can do" dad to our two kids, and for making Ajie and Ken's childhood memories lots of fun and truly memorable; thanks daddy!
Design credits:
again, my sincerest gratitude to PascaleA for her wondeful kit "Prestige".

Comments for this page: (view all 6 comments)
mbrat says:
wonderful page
Jun 9, 2008
Roniiv says:
Colors in this page are fabulous as is the photo....fantastic job done!
Jun 9, 2008
Lisadee says:
This is gorgeous ... beautifully done.
Jun 2, 2008
shawtyp says:
wonderful page, great lo
May 30, 2008
brendacpfi says:
Very Beautiful!
May 30, 2008
~PascaleA says:
You are so creative!! WOW! What a super use of my prestige kit!! That photo is awesome and such fun!! Thank you! :-)
May 30, 2008
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