50 points (current score)
Uploaded: May 6, 2011
Viewed 1281 times. |
About this scrapbook page: |
Made the background, added a few items,mostly famous French brands, (but changed brand names LOL) I cropped the items from photographs, then the very usual work in Photoshop : changing size, colours, contrast, adding cast shadows etc......... Made in France with Photoshop ;-)
Comments for this page: (view all 7 comments) |
ScrapDaddy says:
Lovely elements ~ beautifully done.
Feb 6, 2014
Craftypoly says:
Lovely well done hugs x
May 6, 2011
Mimi_ says:
Great page!!
May 6, 2011
fmr says:
Thanks, Peggles ;-) I did not want to advertize for the brands! LOL
May 6, 2011
fmr says:
Thanks, Abby :-)
May 6, 2011
peggles says:
Cute page, I like how you've got your initials on the goods.
May 6, 2011
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