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158 points (current score) Uploaded: Sep 19, 2007  
Viewed 294 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Some pictures sent to my by my brother in law, he lives in the Wheatbelt. These were sent with the caption "you would think they would stop after two" referring to how bovious a third tractor was only going to get bogged too!
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.Autumn Leaves kit made by Tailz the Kat (Leslie) avaliable from Nutz Designs at CJS Scrapbooling with Attitude
Comments for the scrapbook:
cteate says:
Sep 21, 2007
grandpa_david says:
Now then rideascrapbook, it went like this. When the second one got bogged down, they rang the office and the boss was out so the lady who does the accounts got hold of the foreman, and asked him to send another lol!! Now we have tractors with double wheels around here, and we only send small ones into the bog because we know that they will get stuck if we use big ones. Experience of bogs counts!
Sep 19, 2007
originallizzy says:
Can't rely on anything nowadays. lol great pages
Sep 19, 2007
Diamonds says:
Great pages, and I'm with Tailz, how did you get soooo much rain!?!?
Sep 19, 2007
Serendipity says:
Well that's the prettiest little patch of grass I've seen in your scrapbooks so far! Such a shame that a little shower of rain seems to have ruined it! Love the Tonka Toys!
Sep 19, 2007

Comments for this page: (view all 20 comments)
Serendipity says:
It's lovely to see that you Aussies have your pet diggers so well trained! That bloke in the red is even taking his for a walk on it's lead! I don't think it likes the idea of getting it's tracks wet in the muddy puddle though. Big Softy! It'd never get work over here!
Sep 19, 2007
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