Uploaded: Sep 25, 2008  
Viewed 1730 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
For those who know me know that I have been helping to take care of my grandma. She was fighting small cell lung cancer for almost five years. Well the lord called her home on 8/29/2008. I know that I will see her again oneday but untill then I will miss her.
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.The background is a pic I took in North carolina on a outing.

Comments for this page: (view all 7 comments)
Tmyers810 says:
Hey baby girl,
This is so beautiful. You did her proud with this page:) I know how hard it was for you to make this page, for you two were so close. All my love and prayers are with you...
Sep 27, 2008
torque wrench says:
Beautyful Lady,and page-you and your famiely will be in my famiely's prayers.
Sep 26, 2008
Cindee says:
wonderful page
Sep 25, 2008
amazonia71 says:
So sorry to hear this,she will be in my prayers!!!!
Sep 25, 2008
gypsykate says:
dear crystal, i'm happy to see you again and sorry about the loss of your grandmother, this is a wonderful page you've done for her, gorgeous photo - oh, you smile like her - i can see the resemblance! love and peace to you and your family.
Sep 25, 2008
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
So sorry I feel for you She was so beautiful you have my prayers
Sep 25, 2008
chrisg says:
so sorry to hear this..You and your family will be in our prayers...
Sep 25, 2008
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