Time not on my side

scrapping lee says:
Dear friends I usually don't host challenges during term time but I decided to give it a try as we are currently running so low on challenges. Forgive me if I do not pop in every day as I will have to visit when I can. I have purposely made the challenge over quite a long time frame to ensure that I do get to see and comment on all the pages entered. Happy scrapping Lee xxx
Apr 7, 2019
Lori47 says:
I'm glad you did decide to host a challenge as I am having the same problem (time not being on my side). This gives a most imaginative, unique and fantastic idea for a challenge! Don't worry about not being in all the time to comment... we all understand just like most understand what is going on with me. {Big Hugs} and keep doing one of the greatest jobs of all and that you are great at - teaching!
Apr 7, 2019
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