Ahhh when it comes to using masks

Lori47 says:
I was able to get up in my wheelchair today [the only for 3 hours] and took the opportunity of trying to put a page together for this challenge using photos of me and Leia. I have done it before (put photos into masks) but today it just would not work. Oh well... perhaps it will work again. I learned how to do it via a Craft Artist video. I did it before and not being able to do it today in the same when it was beyond frustration. I love and enjoy all of your compositions however!
Nov 23, 2017
Xguern66 says:
I am sorry to hear that Lori. I wish I could help but I have never used Craft Artist so I don't know how to do it. In PSE it's just a case of having photo above the mask in the layers panel and pressing Ctrl + Alt + G. I do hope someone can help you. Wonderful that you got in the wheelchair even for a short time.
Nov 21, 2017
Lori47 says:
I don't know of anyone locally who does this sort of thing and many people have given me suggestions and when I finally got the hang of it I thought I had it down pat only to find out that it would not work when I wanted it to work so badly. I will keep trying when I am able to get up. Voting on everyone else's wonderful work!
Nov 22, 2017
dhariana says:
Hi Lori,
I am myself a heavy user of craft Artist 2. (So sad they discontinued it!)
There are 2 easy ways to use mask in CA:
1) Using the layer mask. You have to put your photo (or anything you want masked in a layer and than on a layer that goes on TOP of that one you put your mask. (careful because other programs like photshop use the mask under the picture you want masked) This second layer has to be a mask layer, (In the layers tab you'll find a plus sign with a carnival mask next to the plus sign. That is the one you push to have a mask layer.)
Anything you want under the masked picture has to go on a layer beneath that picture layer. Anything you want to go on top of the masked picture has to go on a layer on top of the mask layer.

2) You can just convert the mask to frame. (If I remember correctly this method will only work in CA2) But you will lose subtleties in the mask. I prefer by a long shot, dealing with the mask layer.
Nov 23, 2017
dhariana says:
I hope everything is clearer now. If it is not, shoot me a message and I'll try to post a pictured step by step.
Nov 23, 2017
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