Tersia (as of 10/21/2015) has the meaning but not the name

Lori47 says:
With this being an international site, THE MEANING to a particular phrase can be the same but THE PHRASE (and therefore the words) can be slightly different OR different. So, for my upload with the boy biting into the big apple and the animals with a mouthful of something -- Tersia has the meaning correct but not the name of the phrase which I THINK is international.
The Oxford Dictionary recognizes the idiom so I guess it is international. I looked up further information on it (I am not yet releasing the exact idiom/phrase since the challenge isn't over yet) and it says that there are two possible origins of it this idiom saying that it is known that it started being used in America in the late 1800s.
Oct 23, 2015
simsage says:
Lori, you are teasing us! you naughty girl! Great page Dear!
Oct 23, 2015
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