60 points (current score) Uploaded: Dec 16, 2008  
Viewed 966 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Just before Thanksgiving we had 3 goats give birth only 1 had twin and she wasn't readuy to be a mom so we took them in. 1 of the 2 only lived a week but as you can see the survivor is doing well. She now thinks she is part of the family...and is just one of the "kids"...I know it's been awhile since I've add a page due to computer problems and poor health but I think of ya'll often and miss you so much...Pray next year will be a year w/o MS acting up...take care Love you all
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software. Background and extras all from Scrapbook flair
Comments for the scrapbook:
KimberlyRae says:
oh wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! there YOU are!!! you're backkkkkkkkkkkkk!! yahoooooo!!! Sis, super to see ya here again!! [[[Hugs]]]
Dec 17, 2008

Comments for this page: (view all 5 comments)
Tmyers810 says:
So cute, wonderful page, I absolutely love everything about this page:)
Jan 30, 2009
mylilpatty says:
aaahhhh what a SWEET and most ADORABLE photo and story, except for the part about your health and computer (*_^) IM GLAD your back, and what a FABULOUS come back page, I hope You and everyone in the family are ok now!!MERRY CHRISTMAS to and YOURS!!!
Dec 17, 2008
*** Verony*** says:
Beautiful page
Dec 17, 2008
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