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Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 220 points (current score) Uploaded: Jun 17, 2009  
Viewed 520 times.  

Comments for this page: (view all 23 comments)
Dove Mom says:
Really Beautiful Pages!!!
Jul 5, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
We've already heard the following thoughts:"You look really more like your dad.He lived to do your whims”.In this case, people become more critical.A donkey criticizes our father!But what to do if we don’t want to look like anyone?Cannot we have our own character without having any "parts"from our ancestors?Can we have our own tastes,our personal dislikes?I come in your gallery: I love it.
Jun 22, 2009
NannieG says:
Fantastic Page!!!
Jun 18, 2009
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