Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 447 points (current score) Uploaded: Mar 7, 2007  
Viewed 2446 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
the dodgers wow what a team how much fun we had that year watching our sons play t-ball. brandon played first-base and matthew was the hind-catcher. i can still name all the kids by name and their parents too. they won their league which was so great but they also made lifetime friends and had as much fun as we their parents did watching them play t-ball. ricky was also an assistant coach but had to work the day the picture was taken.
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Max software.Freebie Softball boys page 2 but made changes to make it a baseball page using Mrs Sumners baseballs. This is the last year they were ever on the same team. Oh how I miss those days!!!!

Comments for this page: (view all 39 comments)
CARSON says:
Jun 29, 2007
CookieBits says:
Cute page..Awesome LO!! :)
Jun 20, 2007
wanwan says:
Another great page !! voted in challenge
Jun 19, 2007
hugzzzalot says:
Jun 21, 2007
DaddyBrandon says:
I showed Bryce this picture of me when I was playing baseball. I can almost remember everybody's name on that team.
Apr 1, 2007
my4smileykids says:
Wow! Great LO! Perfect :)
Mar 31, 2007
Idgie says:
Awesome Page! Great Memories to Hold on To!
Mar 10, 2007
PurpleCat65 says:
What a neat page. I love the accents you used with the wonderful photos. Your sons are very cute.
Mar 10, 2007
CarrieLee says:
I love your layout! Awesome!
Mar 9, 2007
chrisg says:
great page!!
Mar 9, 2007
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