Uploaded: May 16, 2010  
Viewed 625 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
A get well card for our dear friend Claudia from Italy who is not well at the moment.
Would love you all to make pages & post them in the group I have started for her.

Design credits:
Wedding collaboration kit from DigiDesignResort

Comments for this page: (view all 26 comments)
Albinus says:
so beautiful..:)
May 18, 2010
Claudia says:
How beautiful!!!
What a wonderful card!!
THANK YOU so much!!
You are so SWEET!!!
I am touched!!
Lots of hugs Claudia
May 17, 2010
China Doll says:
A beautiful card and a wonderful friend to start this group!
May 17, 2010
MOM4EVR says:
a wonderul heartfelt page for Claudia!!
May 17, 2010
gts40f says:
Very beautiful get well page for Claudia, gorgeous colours!
May 17, 2010
debra 112233 says:
May 16, 2010
Xguern66 says:
Beautiful page for Claudia. Very thoughtful of you Mary. Sorry I forgot to remove the voting from my page will try to do it now.
May 16, 2010
savannah's grand mawmaw says:
beautiful page for Claudia
May 16, 2010
Broody Hen says:
May 16, 2010
zanthia says:
wonderful card for Claudia, hope she feels better soon
May 16, 2010
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