Challenge Winners - 2nd Place 180 points (current score) Uploaded: Apr 25, 2009  
Viewed 2809 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I scrapped this page for two reasons. The first is to honor my daughter for the year she spent in Iraq. While in another country, her son lived with me. I wrote her every day, letting her know all the new things he was learning. I also scrapped it for the “What a ___ carries in ____ pocket” by emmaleeah.
Design credits:
Designs by me, photo of my grandson.

Comments for this page: (view all 15 comments)
Art Creator says:
That is so beautiful
May 1, 2009
gypsykate says:
Apr 30, 2009
Ferro says:
Apr 27, 2009
MaxiDesigns says:
Beautiful Memory Page!!! 10 + 10
Apr 27, 2009
DitzBitz says:
fabulous page!
Apr 26, 2009
Pelle says:
A sublime memory page 10ch!!
Apr 26, 2009
Broody Hen says:
what a beautiful page you have created here. Mother and son will treasure this in the years to come x
Apr 26, 2009
Broody Hen says:
what a beautiful page you have created here. Mother and son will treasure this in the years to come x
Apr 26, 2009
Juanita M says:
great page 10+10
Apr 26, 2009
KarynM says:
such a moving page and so beautifully done too!
Apr 26, 2009
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