20 points (current score) Uploaded: Aug 28, 2009  
Viewed 1631 times.  
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Comments for this page: (view all 6 comments)
Sacha0606 says:
I agree with you,Verony!I don't care what anyone believes in...so long as it don't hurt anyone else! I think it's the better comportment.
Aug 29, 2009
*** Verony*** says:
I my self dont care what anyone believes in so long as it dont hurt anyone else,i'm ok with it.
Aug 28, 2009
*** Verony*** says:

A lot of Christians dont believe in Mother Nature at all only God.

Some Pagans believe there is no evil but rather people make mistakes and wrongdoings result from when we forget we are one with the universal spirit.

Some People dont believe in God or Mother Nature or anything else.
So i guess it all comes down to what you believe.,
Aug 28, 2009
*** Verony*** says:
This is depending on what you believe in and again we are all different here.
The concept of "Mother Nature" and "Mother Earth" comes to us from ancient myths and religions. People used what they knew - mothers and fathers -to describe the unknown or supernatural.
Some people believe that nature and the universe are God's and Goddessess worthy of respect and worship.
Aug 28, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
and therefore the man is responsible for what happens to him!
Big kisses Rose-Marie Have a good night
Aug 28, 2009
Sacha0606 says:
Oh,Gian,may I say what I think,please? Yes? Thank you! You talk about the responsibility of "mother nature" in disasters that destroy the earth or kill children (and adults too!) But if men did not destroy the earth (pollution, deforestation, chemical waste, radioactive ...) did not make "sick", do not you think that nature could be better for humans? I think ...
Aug 28, 2009
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