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Weeks Funniest Scrapbook 718 points (current score) Uploaded: Mar 5, 2009  
Viewed 2289 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Okay!! You asked for it, here it is!! I haven't had anything that disgusting on my tongue since my first honeymoon! (I ate at a really REALLY bad place)

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Now vote for this so I can get Funniest scrap of the week!!! I DESERVE SOMETHING AFTER PUTTING THAT IN MY MOUTH!!!

Design credits:
SBF Background, Vegemite courtesy of Tailz!!! Love ya girl!
Comments for the scrapbook:
Kelly-Jo's Scraps says:
Gerry. Trust me I grew up on vegemite and it is yummy. You just have to eat it the right way. Even an aussie wont eat a spoonful like that. Get some nice thick hot toast. Slather on heaps of butter and the put on a THIN scraping of vegemite. It will taste a whole lot better. LOL!!
Mar 13, 2009
IRSKA says:
Ha ha ha, these pages are hilarious! And yes, (almost) anything tasts better than Vegemite. I tried it and ... won't put that in my mouth ever ever again. Funny, Australians like it! ??? :)
Mar 12, 2009

Comments for this page: (view all 72 comments)
FunkyFairyAnnie says:
lol ohh come on gerry.. vegiemite is the best .. i grew up on vegiemite also and i have it every day on toast.. i agree with kelly-jo us aussie's put a sml amount of butter while toast is still warm then a small amount of vegiemite so it melts in.. yummoo..
Dec 3, 2009
maggymay says:
10 pts its nice on fresh bread just out the oven and spread thinly
May 14, 2009
Pelle says:
Lol this looks so funny.Great scrap
Apr 1, 2009
neeltje says:
I have tried it too and it`s realy a dirty taste.
Mar 22, 2009
bdjshdleekfjef says:
VERY VERY Funny page!!!! Great!!

Mar 20, 2009
MaryWonder says:
Such a funny page Gerry. Way to go!
I'm a New Zealander (a Kiwi mate!)and I grew up on the stuff. It's great if you spread it 'thinly' on toast, slice some cheese on top and grill in the oven. The kids love it - we call them mouse traps. We call ourselves Kiwi's for short. Named after a native flightless bird of NZ, not the furry fruit you call a kiwi. Cheers
Mar 18, 2009
kittycate5 says:
Mar 13, 2009
fairyflies76 says:
I have never been brave enough to taste it...the smell was bad enough!! I would have probably had the same reaction as you though....Very funny page!!
Mar 11, 2009
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