It sucks to have dial up....
April 16, 2007


I once had high speed *sob* it was blissfully wonderful!! Pages loaded in a second, zipping here, zipping there, It was great!!! But then I moved, and had no choice but dial up. I resisted for a year and half, telling myself I would rather go without the web than suffer through the tediousness of dialup. But eventually, I gave in.

Now for most of you with high speed, you probably don't give a thought to how big the page file is that you upload, because it's done in no time, or that 60MB zipped kit you just bought...that's maybe 10 minutes TOP. It would take me about 10-12 hours for a file that size!

But my purpose for this blog was not to make you feel sorry for my pathetic plight (I do that fine all by myself, LOL) but to hopefully enlighten you to the fact that those beautiful background photos on your "home page" (and I LOVE seeing them!!) takes about 3 minutes to show up on my screen. And then when I become a fan...another 3 minutes, and when I check out the gallery, another 3-4 minutes to see the first page of thumbnails, and 3-4 minutes for each additional page of thumbnails, and about 1 minute to display the page I choose from the thumbnails........well, you get the point :).

So I thought to myself "maybe they just don't realize how long it takes....maybe, if they knew, they would reduce the size of their background picture, or reduce the dpi/ppi! Maybe, if someone just says something....." So I created this blog. But this thought also raised another; "maybe they don't know what dpi/ppi is..." And I decided I'd handle that when and if it came up :)

In closing, let me say that you do not owe me, or any other dial up user, anything. This is not written as a reprimand or an accusation or in any type of negative fashion AT ALL. I simply and truly thought WHAT IF THEY JUST DON'T REALIZE IT. So I thought I'd let you know :))

If you have any questions, please let me know. If I've offended you somehow, PLEASE let me know, as this is not/was not/will never be , my intention!!

posted by akida29 @ Apr 16, 2007 | 5 comments | |
I am an unwilling member of a minority of people who don't have high speed internet, and let me tell sucks!! Please, come on in and see why!
Created: Apr 16, 2007

April, 2007
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