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Title: Learning every day
Post Text Today I stayed home from work, I thought I had a stomach virus coming on but it may have just been a bad dinner last night...anyway I have been sitting here all day and I loved every minute of it. I again have to say thank you for all the wonderful comments I am getting I really appreciate all the feedback. So I have completed a page today that I wanted to try for a while merging a photo to create was a lot easier than I thought. I am really trying with every page to make an element. I know I'll never design anything but I feel like the page is really mine when I have something that I created from scratch. So take a look and let me know what you think :) Candy
Ok this is my first I hope that this get's through the first time. I am really enjoying my time here on SFF. The people are just so nice and I love getting comments on my pages. I use PSE 5.0 and I have still so much to learn I started a group for PSE 5.0- users (and other elements users) please check it out ...maybe we can all learn from one another.
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