March 17, 2008

New word art

Ok so today I decided that I am going to be more creative, tomorrow who knows, but for now I am going to try and make the word art on my pages so I own a little piece of it. Problem is I need to get a database to choose from and then I have to figure exactly how to use my PSE for this, I just did one so I am hoping that I get some feedback on it. I am only looking at doing this for my personal use I really enjoy being creative and this was a lot of fun so far so I guess we'll see
word art trial
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posted by Candy3 @ Mar 17, 2008 | 0 comments | |
February 12, 2008

Learning every day

Today I stayed home from work, I thought I had a stomach virus coming on but it may have just been a bad dinner last night...anyway I have been sitting here all day and I loved every minute of it. I again have to say thank you for all the wonderful comments I am getting I really appreciate all the feedback.

So I have completed a page today that I wanted to try for a while merging a photo to create was a lot easier than I thought. I am really trying with every page to make an element. I know I'll never design anything but I feel like the page is really mine when I have something that I created from scratch.

So take a look and let me know what you think :)
Eatting Oranges
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posted by Candy3 @ Feb 12, 2008 | 0 comments | |
February 8, 2008

Just so honored

I have been busy remodeling our basement this week. Finally after almost a year since the flood we have carpet!! I personally painted the walls, installed the cabinets and put down the baseboard (my DH doesn't know what a screwdriver is!!)..Anyway I have been MIA for most of the week, had to sneak in here and there...and I just want to thank everyone for the recognition in the challenges I won. I am shocked at how well recieved my pages are, and am overwhelmed by the beautiful comments.

I can't wait to create a new page, but with everything still a mess I want to get settled before I make another page. So wish me luck in the remodel. That probably would be a great first page to scrap when it's all done!!!

Take care
posted by Candy3 @ Feb 8, 2008 | 0 comments | |
January 29, 2008

just another Tuesday

I pretty much just got home from work and I really want to make a page for the mom challenge, but I am afraid my mom would shoot me she hates any pictures about her!! Well I'll have to think about it for a bit. I have a big audit at work this week so I am not being very creative at the moment.

When I checked my messages tonight I felt so good, there were so many positive private comments made, it really makes me feel proud. Thank you to everyone that just takes the time to write something personal, it means a lot.

posted by Candy3 @ Jan 29, 2008 | 0 comments | |
January 28, 2008

first entry

I was a little discouraged today I misunderstood the scrapbook of the week rules. I thought the week started on Sunday but it is actually Mon. I posted one of my ultimate favororite page yesterday - oh well.

I am sitting in my newly painted basement we are finally on our way to recovering from the flood. Hopefully by the end of the month the kids will have a place to play. I hope so they are starting to drive me nuts!! ok let's see if I can figure out how to post this now...till my next blogging adventure! - Candy3
remember this - timeless
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posted by Candy3 @ Jan 28, 2008 | 0 comments | |
Ok this is my first I hope that this get's through the first time. I am really enjoying my time here on SFF. The people are just so nice and I love getting comments on my pages. I use PSE 5.0 and I have still so much to learn I started a group for PSE 5.0- users (and other elements users) please check it out ...maybe we can all learn from one another.
Created: Jan 28, 2008

March, 2008
February, 2008
January, 2008
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