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Title: just another Tuesday
Post Text I pretty much just got home from work and I really want to make a page for the mom challenge, but I am afraid my mom would shoot me she hates any pictures about her!! Well I'll have to think about it for a bit. I have a big audit at work this week so I am not being very creative at the moment. When I checked my messages tonight I felt so good, there were so many positive private comments made, it really makes me feel proud. Thank you to everyone that just takes the time to write something personal, it means a lot. candy
Ok this is my first I hope that this get's through the first time. I am really enjoying my time here on SFF. The people are just so nice and I love getting comments on my pages. I use PSE 5.0 and I have still so much to learn I started a group for PSE 5.0- users (and other elements users) please check it out ...maybe we can all learn from one another.
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