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Post Text Well another Christmas in the memory books. It was quiet..just hubby and me. Hubby made Christmas dinner and it was so good. Ham and all the fixings and I made a cherry pie. I called my mom back in Canada.....she had moved and I didn't know her phone number. She had lost mom was always bad about that. I finally got her number and was happy to find out she is doing well. They had a blizzard there....we did not get snow for Christmas here. She said there is lots of snow and it is pretty except for the roads which are messy. I didn't do much in scrapping or on this site as I was busy. I apologize for not voting but will try and get caught up as much as I can. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. God bless.
I'm blogging about scrapping and everyday life. Please feel free to comment on anything. God bless. Please leave a comment to let me know you were here.
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