Bloggin Noggin
December 28, 2007


Well another Christmas in the memory books. It was quiet..just hubby and me. Hubby made Christmas dinner and it was so good. Ham and all the fixings and I made a cherry pie. I called my mom back in Canada.....she had moved and I didn't know her phone number. She had lost mom was always bad about that. I finally got her number and was happy to find out she is doing well. They had a blizzard there....we did not get snow for Christmas here. She said there is lots of snow and it is pretty except for the roads which are messy. I didn't do much in scrapping or on this site as I was busy. I apologize for not voting but will try and get caught up as much as I can. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. God bless.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 28, 2007 | 2 comments | |
December 15, 2007


Ok I am going nutty lol. I have tried making my first kit...prob is when I post it I decide I don't like it and then remove it. Trouble is I think I am afraid it won't be any good. Sigh, gonna try again.
We have gotten snow......yippeeeeeee. We are supposed to get more tonight. Hubby does not like driving in the snow...but he does...he is not worried about his driving but others. Its scary out there with people who shouldn't be driving.
Well gonna try again to make something I like.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 15, 2007 | 0 comments | |
December 9, 2007

More Stuff

I made some flowered backgrounds and buttons and bows. They all go together or you can mix and match. I saved them in png form. I hope they are ok...if you like you can download them here..
I am still learning. I hope you will let me know what I can do to improve them. If they need resizing or whatever. I appreciate constructive crictism. Have a great day.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 9, 2007 | 0 comments | |
December 8, 2007


I made some buttons and ribbons. I do not know if they are the right size or even if they are good. I would appreciate any comments on how to improve them and what the right size would be. You can download them here.......
Please let me know what you think of them. This is the first time I have ever made anything for download. Thanks.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 8, 2007 | 0 comments | |

Dec. 8/07

Oh has been one of those weeks. The weather is awful. We are getting freezing rain again......the ice storm coming wasn't supposed to hit us but it changed direction. So it is gonna be a messy night.
I have gotten behind on voting on pages. I did as much voting as I could tonight. The work is amazing. So many talented people on this site!
I made a new page.....stop child is so terrible to see the effects of child abuse that continue through their adulthood. The government needs to get stiffer laws for those who abuse children. Children should not die from this...they should live and be a shining light in life.
I also made another page on my Nova Scotia series. It is a beautiful province....and worth taking the time to see. It is also my home. It will always be in my heart.
I am working on some new elements....sizing is a prob for me. I can understand 12x12 for printing ...but for digital I am not sure. Oh well lol....I will figure it out I guess.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 8, 2007 | 0 comments | |
December 1, 2007


I am having a problem with sleep. My doc gave me some sleeping pills. Took one last night and feel dozy and off kilter today. Don't like this feeling. Not sure if I should keep taking them or not.
I made some animated scrap pages. I love doing animation...brings the page alive. I enterd the below 100 score challenge. Think I will stop doing challenges for now. Doing worse in the challenge then when I originally posted them. Wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I enter another challenge but pulled out of it since no one seemed to like my page. I have tried different types of pages and none seem to work. So back to doing what I love to do.
I have been working in psp the creating part of scrapbooking. Spent the last hour voting on pages of friends. Some awesome work there. So much talent.
posted by FireStorm @ Dec 1, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 30, 2007

Its Sad

Its sad but true that some folks add you as friend or become a fan soley to get your vote for their pages. It doesn't matter if they like your work or even seen your work. They simply want your vote. If you keep check of who votes for your work you will find a group that consistantly DO NOT vote.
The unfair thing is they get extra votes from you and give nothing back. I have seen some beautiful work here that has low votes and some work that is less than good with a ton of votes. A lot of folks put their hearts into their work. They are not about votes but about the love they put into their pages. That love should be rewarded.
Then there are the nasty ones who low vote either out of jealousy for the talent or just meaness. When someone has put their heart into their work this is hurtful and unfair.
This is a community to share memories, love and laughter. To make friends and share the talent so many people from all over the world have. So share the love and the appreciation for what someone has done.
I keep track of who votes for me. The ones who consistantly don't ..I do not vote for them. It is not fair to take my vote and not vote in return. I don't like being used. So spread the joy of scrapbooking and the love of art not the need to win.
Have a great day all :)
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 30, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 29, 2007


I had a bad nights sleep and am feeling blah. Out of sorts and tired. I hate when this happens.
I added 2 new pages to my scrapbook. I cleaned out my cache files, used images and saved a lot to CD to free up space and memory.
PSP has been acting up...hope the program is not messing up. Right now can't afford to replace it. Well enough rambling..have a great day.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 29, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 28, 2007

Nov. 28th

I did not sleep well last night. I am not sure why but the doctor gave me a prescription for some sleeping pills. I hate to take pills, especially sleeping pills. Yet I know I can't keep spending nights like I have the last 2 weeks.
I have been making elements in PSP 8 but not sure what format to save it in. If I use png it merges it all together yet I know most use Photoshop and not PSP which keeps the layers seperate.
I made baby elements in pink and blue and will make some backgrounds to go with them. I also made some new tags and ribbons. I am not sure how good they are. I think they are ok til I come here and see the awesome work by others. Then I am not so sure.
I am going to work in PSP again today and see what I come up with. Have a geat day.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 28, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 26, 2007


It is cold and rainy outside. I have a docs appointment at 10am and I am not looking forward to going out in this weather. Drivers are crazy on the highway!
I have been making elements in psp and backgrounds. It is a lot of fun. Not sure if they are good or not but I love creating them. Posted some new pages....think they are ok.
Oh got my tree up and almost decorated...just need another strand of garland. Hubby as not been feeling well....hope its not the flu.
I have been voting on pages.....there is some awesome work here and I have met some wonderful people as well. I love this site and I am glad to have found it. Have a blessed day.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 26, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 24, 2007


Its Saturday and its also game day. The Missouri and Kansas College game. This is the biggest game of the year and will have 80,000 people in attendance. Its all anyone talks about.
I have been scrapping...making elements etc. Some I am happy with and some....well kinda blah. Been having a few problems with my PSP 8...froze one me. But I posted a scrap of hubbys baby pics...he was cute lol.
Ever had a pic you want to scrap and can't? No matter what you do it doesn't seem right? That happened to me today. Great pic and couldn't scrap it.....but FINALLY I did...think its ok but I am leaving it alone lol.
Scrapping is great to do on a cold day...its freezing here...and it keeps me occupied waiting for THE game lol.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 24, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 23, 2007


I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving. My husband made thanksgiving dinner. (He is a great cook and loves to make holiday meals.) It was soooooo good.....I ate too much!! I may not eat for a week lol. He makes great stuffing and I eat too much of it. comes Christmas....oh my waistline!!!!!
I have been scrapping...making elements and pages and stuff. I am hooked since I joined Flair. Christmas is a great time to get pics for scrapping.
The temps really dropped here...was 25 degrees last night...brrrrrr. I love the cold and I want it to snow but so far just rain.
I have my tree up...not fully decorated yet. The cats are having fun with this lol. They try to catch the blinking lights. I suppose I should get upset with them for messing up the tree but I think its funny. ( hubby does'nt lol.) They are just being harm done.
Well I think I will get busy scrapping and cleaning. Takes longer but both get done lol. Have a great day...God Bless.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 23, 2007 | 0 comments | |
November 19, 2007


I just joined ScrapbookFlair today. I hope to be posting soon. I love to scrapbook about anything. As I have no kids I have lots of free time and to fill it in I scrap. Here in Southern Illinois it is windy but warm and the leaves are falling off the trees. The yard looks like a leaf explosion! It is so pretty though. Well I am off to make something lol.
posted by FireStorm @ Nov 19, 2007 | 1 comments | |
I'm blogging about scrapping and everyday life. Please feel free to comment on anything. God bless. Please leave a comment to let me know you were here.
Created: Nov 19, 2007

December, 2007
November, 2007
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