242 points (current score) Uploaded: May 29, 2007  
Viewed 736 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
this is one of those Saturday mornings where i had to go take some trash to the dump, since my garbarge man won't pick some of it up...i know you all think i'm nuts, but i thought it would be a fun page...hope it makes you laugh a little :)

Comments for this page: (view all 27 comments)
rose bud says:
great job.
Jun 5, 2007
handyman20002 says:
Great page. Kinda looks like the inside of my garage
Jun 1, 2007
grayfish says:
It did! Great page! Hopefully you won't have many more mornings like this in the near future but thanks for sharing this one.
May 31, 2007
Late_Bloomer says:
What a creative mind.Funny.I too have the
duty of garbage patrol.LOL.
May 31, 2007
ButterflyLove says:
OMG!!! This is great!!!
May 30, 2007
Mat's Scrapbook says:
This is funny, love these kind of wacky pages once in awhile...Nice layout! :}
May 30, 2007
Je@nette says:
Beautiful page - Well done!
May 30, 2007
cookies says:
OOPs,ment dump,need more coffee!!
May 30, 2007
cookies says:
Yep!!!My G man wants an extra dollar a bag.If gas goes up any more,I'll give it to him,till then I'll wait for thoes free domp days.Sometimes life is a hoot!!!!!!!!!!
May 30, 2007
chrisg says:
fantastic page!!
May 30, 2007
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