Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 230 points (current score) Uploaded: Oct 14, 2008  
Viewed 2031 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I made this for the If I Had a Million Dollars challenge. If I did have a million dollars I would first make sure my family was taken care of and I would pay off my car loan and buy a house. Then I would want to donate my money to help all the homeless animal shelters around the country. It breaks my heart to see so many little fur faces peeking out from the cages just hoping that some kind heart will give them a loving home.
Design credits:
Pet Collection by Bengigirl
Harvest Fest by Ava & Lillys Mommy

Comments for this page: (view all 23 comments)
july11 says:
10+10 adorable page
Oct 31, 2008
Sophia_Jp says:
very cute!! 10+10 cp
Oct 31, 2008
mcbrn says:
What a sweet and touching page - pictures of animals like these always break my heart! 10 + 10
Oct 29, 2008
Chocoholic says:
What a sweet way to spend your million! You are such a thoughtful person! Wonderful page!
Oct 28, 2008 says:
What a beautiful thought and a very lovely page. 10+10
Oct 21, 2008
sea_shells says:
What a great and noble page to create! I love this more than words can say! I wish more people were as compasionate and caring as you are! I wish people treated animals as creatures with cares,thoughts and me they are just as human as we are (only they just have fur)
Oct 21, 2008
well done, hope you get your wish one day and can share it with your cause.wonderful cute page..hugs
Oct 20, 2008
ilovetoscrap says:
Beautiful page 10+10cp
Oct 20, 2008
ToeJam says:
What a noble goal! Great page. :-)
Oct 17, 2008
Pure Creativity Designs says:
Cute page!! Great job!!
Oct 16, 2008
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