92 points (current score) Uploaded: Jul 18, 2006  
Viewed 1155 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Maximus was born to our other Springer, Madison, so we were fortunate to know him from day 1!! Despite all efforts to not keep a pup he licked his way into our hearts! If it is possible, Bear was the love of my life, he shared my pillow and curled up with me every night. We were inseperable to say the least. On April 3rd, while I was home on maternity leave, Maxi got hit by a car and we had to have him put down. This is just a small tribute to the man-dog love of my life!!
Design credits:
Created with Scrapbook Flair software.
Comments for the scrapbook:
bobbiejo says:

Jul 19, 2006

Comments for this page: (view all 5 comments)
sandra marie says:
wonderful photo's and layout well done
Oct 23, 2006
scrappyscrapper says:
I breed Springer Spaniels and live with 2. I can understand how devastating it would be to loose one. A wonderful tribute!
Aug 5, 2006
bobbiejo says:
Great job.
Jul 23, 2006
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