107 points (current score) Uploaded: Aug 28, 2007  
Viewed 595 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
My husband talked me into going to play in the tournament with him and his dad tonight. I was in the lowest class (lol), but I won! I was so proud of myself because I played 3 whole rounds and came home with a trophy. I guess this was also Connor's first time playing. LOL
Design credits:
Belly Button kit scrapmonkey.com

Comments for this page: (view all 6 comments)
rcbmrick says:
I seen you in action. You had a good night. Great page.
Sep 9, 2007
Eva41083 says:
I think it is hillarious that you one putt putt champ...lol. You look so serious in the pics. WTG GIRL!!!! Love the page.
Aug 31, 2007
bj37660 says:
Great page!
Aug 31, 2007
Nanna Susie says:
WOW and Ricky wouldn't tell me!! Hows exciting for you to win!! Way to show our guys a thing or two!! Congrats Amanda and I agree with Pam you jsut glow...pregnancy agrees with you...Awesome job!!
Aug 29, 2007
papajack&nanapam's says:
Awesome page!! Great job winninig the tournament!! I love this page. You are just glowing! So pretty!!
Aug 29, 2007
cteate says:
Aug 29, 2007
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