150 points (current score) Uploaded: May 3, 2014  
Viewed 694 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Only Plain Vintage Challenge
another stranger in our photo box
Love this poem and so true
Thanks for looking a ny comments/votes appreciated
Design credits:
Made with The Print Shop software
Photo mine
Happy Scrappy
Goretty Rocha
Poem Bing

Comments for this page: (view all 15 comments)
MaxiDesigns says:
So Beautiful!!!!!
May 5, 2014
Larkspur Nanny says:
What a beautiful poem and one we should all take heed to. Love your layout.voted
May 5, 2014
Micheline 1 says:
Wonderful vintage page! I have this kind of unknown in a shoe box too, did'nt think to scrap them! Very good idea.
May 4, 2014
inkyD says:
A beautiful photo and vintage challenge page, excellent journaling and so very true - a timely reminder for us all!
May 4, 2014
LadynRed_44 says:
Gorgeous page and poem!
May 4, 2014
Funtastic says:
A beautiful vintage page and photo!
May 4, 2014
PoetryNMotion says:
wonderful vintage page
May 3, 2014
Xguern66 says:
Had to read that twice it is so true. I try to write names on the backs of all photos and captions on the computer. This is a wonderful vintage page - love it.
May 3, 2014
Lavender Passion says:
Beautiful photo and wonderful LO and Vintage page! Super poem too!
May 3, 2014
ComputerGeek says:
sorry for the c/p but on the road and wanted to let you know I looked at and voted on your page
May 3, 2014
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