190 points (current score) Uploaded: Apr 22, 2012  
Viewed 926 times.  
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Cancer journey continues. I am wondering if I will ever get to the point where I am just Christl again, and not have this looming every single day.

Comments for this page: (view all 21 comments)
Larkspur Nanny says:
people who have never gone thru this themselves do not know or understand your feelings of despair and the highs and the lows.
I understand because even though I haven't faced cancer in my won body, I have watched my first husband suffer and die and my only child who died at the age of 29.I wish it would have been me instead of her. just know that you are not alone.
Aug 30, 2015
Christl says:
Again, thank you all. Yes, I know this seemed like a bleak scrap. It is one I really needed to write. Yes, I am doing my best to keep up my mood, and it is tough at times. The actual trigger for this creation came because my youngest daughter (21 years old) was in the hospital, recovering from surgery and given the diagnosis of cervical cancer. She was told this same thing.
Apr 24, 2012
Claudia says:
I have been fighting against cancer for many years. Please stay positive. We are all here ready to support you with our love. You will beat this illness. I am sending you lots of love xox Claudia
Apr 24, 2012
sugarpops says:
Well said Madeline & yes you can be cured of Cancer...It is in my family big time & apart from my dear nephew David, all have pulled through..Chin up Christl there is light at the end of the tunnel...Love & Hugs to you xxxx
Apr 23, 2012
Grandma M says:
OK Chrisl - STOP - I know the C word is devastating as I have just gone through 8 months of it with my daughter BUT you have to become positive. You ARE going to get better and live a full life. Cancer treatment is hard but you will get through it. Please grab all your positive feelings and embrace them with all your heart. Be strong and you will get to the end before you know it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Apr 23, 2012
China Doll says:
Continue to make your pages and share with us your journey. It does help knowing others are praying and supporting you.
Apr 23, 2012
debra 112233 says:
It is ok to be scared, I certainly would be. You have a long journey and I hope things go well for you. Expressing your emotions is so good for you and know that I am thinking of you and wish you well!
Apr 23, 2012
Lavender Passion says:
Yes it is! and life changing I'm sure! Keep chin up and hang it there! Count you blessings everyday and soon you will Live Life to the fullest once again! God Bless You!
Apr 23, 2012
neeltje says:
What a great and brave way to express how you feel. I wish you strength and courage to continue your fight against this awful disease
Apr 23, 2012
Christl says:
Thank you all, again, for your kind words and support. And making these scraps is a type of catharsis for me. And it is a way to share with my kids, without burdening them NOW with it. These pages will be added to the scrapbook they will each be given when I move to the Spirit World.
Apr 22, 2012
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