340 points (current score) Uploaded: Nov 7, 2011  
Viewed 295 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Hi everyone. I know I have been missing lately - sorry. I have been popping by occasionally. Saw a few pages from Dawn using masks and thought that might just be a great challenge topic so I'm working on it. This will be the icon for it. I'm trying to make my own masks but with little success - yet!!!!
I'll come back with the link when I have the challenge set up.
Design credits:
Photo from an email I received.
All else from BirgitKerr - Urbanlove and Urbansummer.

Comments for this page: (view all 32 comments)
Craftypoly says:
superb page well done hugs x
Nov 21, 2011
Larkspur Nanny says:
Lovely page! So where did you learn how to make masks? Got any instructions that would help me? I use Craft Artist.
Nov 17, 2011
Albinus says:
Nov 17, 2011
gintercedes4u says:
Nov 14, 2011
Meriyay says:
Fantastic and creative page!!!
Nov 13, 2011
SunsetUK says:
Fab effects! Love the 'breaking through the buildings and the fences' way of looking at the very serene view - and your birds are great!
Nov 11, 2011
Fisherman says:
Great page! I'll have to learn how to use masks now.
Nov 10, 2011
Granny Franny says:
What a terrific masking job on this lovely serene and perfect looking paddling lake...quite a clever choice of mask, with the contrast of what looks like a cityscape mask with such a peaceful wilderness image!
Nov 10, 2011
inkyD says:
Beautiful photo and great use of BK's mask & kits. I love the edgy textures and effects in your stunning page Joce, a fantastic icon for your upcoming challenge. A great shame that Birgit Kerr stepped away from designing hohum! I look forward to your challenge with interest
Nov 9, 2011
Pelle says:
Super icon and announcement for your upcomming challenge!!
Nov 9, 2011
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