Challenge Winners - 3rd Place 250 points (current score) Uploaded: Oct 22, 2011  
Viewed 1541 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
my grandson Christian was 10 years old when he took this photo of the flower with drops on it this is for the chal.

Comments for this page: (view all 23 comments)
mozzie46 says:
Beautiful Bearded Iris. I have them growing in my garden at the moment. Striking flowers !!!! Love your page !!!
Oct 26, 2011
KattyLew says:
Beautiful image - lovely page.
Oct 26, 2011
peggles says:
Fantastic page, sorry for c&p am so far behind!
Oct 25, 2011
gintercedes4u says:
gorgeous! I spent all afternoon redoing my iris bed. Had some of those bore-er bugs and had to soak each rhizome in Clorox before replanting. Hope they look this good next spring!
Oct 24, 2011
MaxiDesigns says:
Opps Bearded Iris...
Oct 24, 2011
MaxiDesigns says:
Oh, Margie this is Gorgeous!! Love the waterdrops on the beardeded iris..think that is the name.
Oct 24, 2011
debra 112233 says:
Oct 24, 2011
jenmat0 says:
Great page!
Oct 24, 2011
inkyD says:
A fantastic close up, well done. Gorgeous page!
Oct 24, 2011
Lindalou b says:
gorgeous close up, love it x
Oct 23, 2011
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