280 points (current score) Uploaded: Jan 20, 2010  
Viewed 427 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Made this for the Your Catch Phrase or Motto Challenge. My friend now times how long into a conversation it takes for me to say "Whatever", I think counting how many times I use it has become to difficult to track. LOL My other favorites are "It is what it is" and "Live and let live". Growing up I loved the song Que Sera Sera so maybe that's where the whatever came from. Now you know I am as eloquent as your average teenager, whatever! Thanks for looking and for your kind words and much appreciated support.
Design credits:
Done in DSA, used Jaelop's kit Girly Girl, thanks to the magic of self timers, I took the picture of myself on New Year's Day ... just playing with the camera.

Comments for this page: (view all 28 comments)
baroochi says:
Sorry for the "cut and paste" comment, I seem to be a 'year!' behind once again. I'm voting and pasting which is the best I can do for now, hopefully be back to normal very soon. Great pages all. :)
Jan 24, 2010
~ JJ ~ says:
Great page!
Jan 23, 2010
Sacha0606 says:
Very sweet and beautiful page!
Jan 22, 2010
naneebug says:
Wonderful page!!!
Jan 22, 2010
coaustinter says:
Great Page, well done 10+ U ROCK
Jan 21, 2010
Claudia says:
It is so true!! I love your page!!!! Too cutee!!
Jan 21, 2010
MaxiDesigns says:
Linda, love the photo!!!! "Whatever" Rocks and U Rock!!!
Jan 21, 2010
djsm says:
Only challenge members can vote. sob.
Jan 21, 2010
djsm says:
I just love the photo! You look great and the 'Laugh-In' style background is perfect for the challenge. I must admit I tend to associate that expression and 'meh' with our Natalie. Laughing that your friend times you! This is a great page.
Jan 21, 2010
Albinus says:
Jan 21, 2010
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