Challenge Winner - 1st Place 470 points (current score) Uploaded: Jan 19, 2010  
Viewed 4111 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
I can't bear to see a challenge with no pages in it so I thought I would support it by creating an instruction page. This is something I often get asked so hope you find it helpful. For the tutorial challenge.
Design credits:
Extraction in Paint.Net - funny that LOL!

Comments for this page: (view all 46 comments)
goodbye says:
great tut. Thanks for posting this in my group
Jan 30, 2011
goinscraphappy says:
just dropin a note to let u know that drop by..lovely page i voted 10 for ya
Dec 12, 2010
lizedwards says:
Wonderful page Mary and Fab extraction.
Jul 9, 2010
anglegirlsandy says:
This is a great page. I'm gonna try this.
Thanks so much for sharing.
May 11, 2010
mozzie46 says:
Congratulations Mary on 1st and 2nd place and C O C. Very well done. Though I don't have Paint.Net, I can apply some of this tutorial to my pages. Thank you.
Jan 30, 2010
MaxiDesigns says:
Another Most Excellent Tutorial, Mary!!!
Thanks Again!!!!
Jan 27, 2010
sheilamitcha says:
thanks so much Ive been trying to do this with this program but the background always comes out white i guess now i know why. lol. thanks Heaps much appreciated x
Jan 24, 2010
Moongirl says:
Thanks for the lesson!! Great!!
Jan 24, 2010
baroochi says:
Sorry for the "cut and paste" comment, I seem to be a 'year!' behind once again. I'm voting and pasting which is the best I can do for now, hopefully be back to normal very soon. Great pages all. :)
Really good
Jan 24, 2010
neeltje says:
great page on showing extraction
Jan 24, 2010
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