Challenge Winner - 1st Place 400 points (current score) Uploaded: Aug 16, 2009  
Viewed 3094 times.  
About this scrapbook page:
Oh man don't you just love that face!. Somebody is in serious trouble LOL. This pic was one of many joke emails that wind up in my inbox @ work. I don't usually save them but this one I couldn't bear to delete. Knew it would come in handy one day. For the 'Funny animals make me LOL' challenge
Design credits:
Cat paws extracted in Paint.Net. Assembled in Photoscape.

Comments for this page: (view all 37 comments)
Paomendoza says:
Beautiful cat
Jun 11, 2010
memarsh says:
congrats on your win I missed getting my page in didn't realize that this challenge only ran for a day . your page is great 10++
Aug 22, 2009
Roniiv says:
hahahahahaha.... too funny
Aug 17, 2009
CHanocat says:
ouah ! très original ! Moi qui aime les chats, je ne peux résister à aimer celui-ci, félicitations !..
Aug 17, 2009
Broody Hen says:
he looks like someone has really upset him!
Aug 17, 2009
kruk says:
wow :),super!
Aug 17, 2009
*** Verony*** says:
LOL look at that face super funny page
Aug 17, 2009
zanthia says:
great page
Aug 16, 2009
uralvd1 says:
So cute - loved the way your scrapped it!
Aug 16, 2009
gypsykate says:
*lol* what a face! 10+10!
Aug 16, 2009
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